Sitting is the New Smoking by Nick Reynolds
January 27, 2014
From early in life our children sit at desks for school and slouched on the couch playing video games or texting. This continues into adulthood for most of us. How many hours each day do you sit for? Do you sit on your commute to work and back? How about at work or even when you come back home and relax in the evening. Can you see how time sitting on our backsides can quite easily accumulate.
Why is sitting such a big deal?
On a Spinal Level
• Prolonged sitting increases the pressure on the lumbar discs contributing to misalignments in the spinal column that may create disturbances in the nervous system.
• Sitting to the spine is much like sugar to the teeth – spinal misalignments contribute to spinal decay and dysfunction.
A specific procedure, called an Chiropractic Adjustment, has been developed to reduce these misalignment patterns and increase nerve function – along with it – health, healing and repair within the body.
Other Health Impacts
• Recent research has show that those who sat the most had a 2-fold higher risk of diabetes, a 2.5-fold higher risk of heart disease, a 90% higher risk of death from heart disease and a 50% higher risk of death from all causes when compared to those that sat the least (
Hopefully this will give you some insight as to why prolonged sitting is not good for our health. Good news is that simply getting up and moving more is a great, easy way to reduce these negative effects. For any more information on sitting, how chiropractic can help reduce spinal misalignments or any other questions then just drop me a line.
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